We’re stronger together

Firstly I trust you and your family stay safe and well. My thoughts are with you all as we all navigate through this new phase of business and beyond.

It’s business as usual here at JFM Creatives, and I would like you to know if we’re currently working on a project for you, this will continue on as normal. 

We’re here to fully support you through these times, helping you to update and communicate with your clients and network in the form most appropriate for you.  As the dust starts to settle and some staff is working from home, you might be thinking about what can do now. 

Not sure what you could be doing right now? Here are a few ideas to get you started;

  • Update your website home and contact page to confirm your current business operational status, hours, points of contact, service expectations etc
  • Create a client or network newsletter or set up Mailchimp so you can communicate as and when required to your clients.  An email group can be great too
  • Update social media graphics to reflect your current offer/brand building
  • Google place – check yours is updated with your current hours and points of contact
  • Social media channels – check contact details and about sections are up to date
  • Pin a post to the top of your Facebook page which features your latest update
  • Group chat with your team/clients/suppliers – so everyone’s informed and updated
  • If you can connect with clients virtually, book appointments online (Microsoft bookings, Timely, Acuity are all great) or connect with them via Skype or Zoom
  • Create a daily focus within your team, to keep everyone connected and engaged. Voxer is great for those who love talking, typing, sharing images…  something for every type of communicator
  • Create video tutorials on products and services or even a company update.  Loom is a fabulous platform
  • Database cleanse – what no one truly loves doing, but it allows you to easily and effectively communicate
  • Check answerphone messages are updated with the latest contact points and directions – including mobiles for staff who are on leave or working reduced hours, along with out of office replies
  • If you have on-line booking software for face to face meetings/appointments – check the status of these links
  • Lastly, there will be plenty more things to check-in with, as the days go by… 

What’s staying the same?

The business model at JFM Creatives is virtual and continues as normal. All my virtual team, have the resources and virtual software platforms to carry out any project like normal for you.  My team happens to be around the country – Sam (Christchurch), Teesha & Taryn (Wellington), Terry (Napier) are all safe, well, and ready to help and support you.

If you would like to update your website, communicate with your customers, or talk click my email link below and then we can quickly get your update or new project underway.  Email –   jo@jfm.co.nz.

What’s changing?

Maybe rather than meeting in person we can connect on a video Zoom call?  That’s about all that will be changing around how we might work together.

How will you and your teams maximise this time?

Already for some, this moment in time is creating superb focused planning space and for others project team brainstorming sessions are getting underway, to kick start those projects you know are so very important (for one client that’s an eCommerce store).  As the old adage goes, it’s not what you have, it’s what you do with what you have, that counts… 

Stay safe, keep well and be kind.  Kia Kaha.

Jo x

Mob: 027 292 5004

Click here to schedule a time to connect on Zoom over the next few days and weeks ahead. Even just to chat and have a laugh!


(At the close of day 1 yesterday, my son Ryan had created the first pillow mountain, and indoor “camp out” as he calls it).  I think Terry summed it up the best… “It’s like sheltering for a cyclone, except the mess is all indoors!”. 

Let’s get creative during and post lockdown!

Strong communities are forged by kind and compassionate people working together. I’m hearing amazing stories already, from some of my clients on how they’re taking care of their people and I congratulate you. 

The rule of reciprocity states, if you give something to someone, they feel obligated to give something back, and I know you’ll be amazed how their kindness will show up not only to you but your customers in the future.

It is essential we all work together and support each other on this “new voyage” both in business and also personally. For some that will mean thinking outside the box and getting creative on how they do business and for others, there will be the adventure of keeping families entertained whilst juggling work commitments.

My team will be sharing with you daily on our Facebook page, one of our magic moments from the day.  And no doubt some of the antics will resonate, inspire or even just make you smile. 

JFM Facebook   |  JFM Instagram

Precision Cutting – Brand Launch

? The Dream We were honoured to deliver a full rebrand for the fabulous Amanda and Josh O’Malley at Precision Cutting. This included logo and brand mark, collateral, signage, and website.

? The Recipe

The Precision Cutting icon has been carefully crafted to represent the quality and premium precision of the steel plate construction at Precision Cutting. The custom stylised ‘P’ icon creates a visual of cutting line work which represents precision, production, and excellence. These visual identities tie to the company values which are driven to achieve the best performance. The colours and gradient we have chosen are drawn from the tempering process. The rich tones of blue convey the feeling of stability, trust, loyalty, precision, and intellect. The full stop makes the brand name an absolute statement. It gives a feeling of assurance and confidence in the quality of their work.

?The Magic

The result is a brand that their whole team and community is proud of, and not to mention a handful of new clients!

*Consistent brand communication across all their collateral and channels

*Improved company reputation and visibility in the marketplace

*Ongoing access to support with all brand updates and marketing needs

New brand launch – Papawai Farms

“Jo and the team at JFM were amazing to deal with and are very professional.  Having never done anything like this before, they made the process so easy.

It didn’t matter that we farm in the North Island, they took the time to ask questions to get know us, our family and the business. With emails, skype, and telephone conversations, these were made to look like it was no hassle for the team.

The ideas they came up with were very exciting for us.  JFM took us to another level and we are getting many positive comments. They got us excited about promoting our business.”

Helen Ellis – Papawai Farms

We were honored to have crafted a fresh brand identity for Papawai Farms, a fabulous award-winning family farming operation in the sunny Central Hawke’s Bay.

It was a true pleasure to work alongside Helen and her family to craft a unique hand-drawn icon representative of their family farming values and a range and supporting marketing tools such as business cards and apparel illustrations. We love getting to know and understand the leaders behind businesses and crafting memorable logos and brands which set them apart today and into the future. If you or someone you know is interested in finding out about how to brand or rebrand their business, feel free to book here https://buff.ly/2MZpIDm and arrange a complimentary 20-minute insight session today.

Growth & innovation

Mainland Minerals, one of our long term clients is always focused on adding value to their farming clients. Recently we were tasked with crafting a print and electronic promotional flyer their sales team could utilise to promote one of the latest product innovations.

Having come from a farming family, Jo McCloy, JFM’s creative director brings to the table agribusiness farming insight that can help present products and services in a manner farmers respond to. If you would like some help with marketing to the rural sector, feel free to book a call with Jo here https://buff.ly/2MZpIDm and arrange a complimentary 20-minute insight session

Trusts For The Next Generation

We were tasked by New Zealand Trustee Services (NZTS) with helping people to view an old concept with a new lens.

Inheritance Trusts had historical connotations around mortality, and death – mainly due to its’ namesake.

But in actual fact, these Trusts benefit lives in the here and now – and across generations.

So we coined the term NextGen.

NextGen is inspired by the Pepsi-Cola soft drink advertising campaign ‘Pepsi Generation’ which has been in effect from 1963 to the current day.

It works for NZTS as a brand that can appeal to the parent who seeks to protect the next generation – and the child who will reap the benefits of the NextGen Trust.

Did you know inheritance trusts could benefit your kids while you’re still living?

Trusts & Trusted Advisors

NZTS Brochure

We were tasked with assisting the roll out of a nationwide, new initiative launch for our client New Zealand Trustee Services.

They’re launching a superhero team of specialists called TrustGuard. This new team is set to travel New Zealand supporting and educating people on new (and upcoming) Trust law reforms. In short, they’re helping Trustees and advisors ensure that their Trusts are compliant and robust.

It has been quite an honour acting as trusted advisors to some of the most trusted advisors in New Zealand.

We continue to support NZTS while they set out to prevent potential Trust crises that affect the lives of everyday kiwis.

You can be confident in our professionalism to work with sophisticated and sensitive information.

VeeHof event: an outstanding success

At JFM, we do a variety of design and marketing tasks to help our clients achieve their business goals. VeeHof Dairy Services Ltd were looking at running a Hoof Care Expo for Farm Owners, Farm Managers and Share Milkers. We discussed what their objectives were for the event, what they needed and what success looked like. JFM reflected on this information and the target market.

We assisted by creating the following support materials:

  • An event plan: to give a run down on what preparation was needed for the day and what would happen on the day.
  • An event invitation, which was distributed to selected farm boxes: the wording, design and printing materials were all chosen keeping the target audience in mind.
  • Updating and reprinting brochures for goody bags: when you have an event, it’s always really important to consider what information you are giving out and ensuring it’s up to date.
  • Ordering nametags: nametags provide direction to attendees as to whom to go to with questions and look really professional.
  • Road signage: due to VeeHof’s prime location on State Highway 1, large roadside signage was displayed so people knew about the event.
  • Media release and adverts: to reinforce the print invitations that were distributed, JFM created a media release which was picked up by media outlets and designed print adverts in specific publications read by the target market.
  • Website update with graphics: we created a new post on the events section of the website informing readers about the event. We also created a website header graphic, which redirected to that page when clicked.
  • Taking photographs and doing a social media post on the day: the staff at VeeHof were busy interacting with clients and generally making the event successful, so JFM took some photographs to capture the day. We also created a Facebook post to display the event photos and thank people for their attendance.

This free event was highly successful, with approximately 70 people in attendance. With a seminar, variety of hands-on demonstrations to watch and participate in, as well as a free lunch, attendees also stayed around for a few hours. When planning events, the key to success is considering what the target audience are interested in and how to best reach them. You need to be strategic and deliberate in your approach. If you ever need assistance with an event, give us a call at JFM Marketing + Design.

Top Tip: Google My Business

When you search for a business locally, you may notice that some listings provide a lot of information about them.This can include opening hours, imagery, location, contact information, company description, reviews and a list of services. In the past, Google provided Google Places and Google+ Pages Dashboard, which have now been combined to create Google My Business.

Have you done a Google search for your business with the region it’s located in lately? If not, you should check to see how it looks. If your listing does not include all the information listed above, you can update your information with Google My Business. It complements your website by giving presence and a public identity with a Google listing. Your business information can appear on Google+, Maps and Google Search, and is completely free.

You are also able to regularly update your listing, view insights and add photos as required. Google walks you through how to set up your account, simply go to https://www.google.co.nz/business and fill in the required fields. If you need any help setting up your Google My Business, give JFM a call.

Jo’s Introduction

Winter has certainly arrived; there is definitely a crisp chill in the air! Since we last spoke to you, JFM Marketing + Design has been busy preparing for the Mystery Creek Field Days and running the Maximising Your Facebook Business Page workshops in May. We were delighted with the response and excited to have helped 26 local business owners and community organisations to feel more confident to fully utilise their Facebook page.

At JFM, we have recognized that there is a thirst for knowledge and training in the community. Following on from the success of our first workshop, we will be running a new workshop in August. The Facebook Advertising workshop will be another half-day session, this time focused solely on using the advertising platform provided by Facebook. More information is available below.

In addition to training, we have launched some new websites and created some great work in the last few months. We have showcased some of this work in this newsletter and on our Facebook page. The team has just attended the RISE 2017 event https://www.tickettailor.com/checkout/view-event/id/93264/chk/55f0 in Christchurch and is full of inspiration, so if you have any marketing or design requirements this winter, give us a call!

Stay warm!

Jo Foster
