As a business owner, you work hard to build up your business and invest a lot of time and money to ensure it grows. It is important that you protect your place in the market by registering a trade mark. A trade mark can include words, logos, and even colours, shapes, smells, and sounds.

If you are just starting up a business, it is very important to ensure you think of a name that is simple and memorable. It is difficult to register names that are descriptive and non-distinctive, such as “Car Repair Services” or “Home Cleaning Services”.

As people do business with you, they will start to associate your services with the branding and factors described above. If you build a great reputation, you will start getting new clients from word of mouth recommendations from clients who may describe you by your name or logo, depending on what they remember.

Registering a trade mark prevents other competitors coming into the market and mimicking your branding. This prevents confusion and potential clients from accidentally going to another competitor when they think they are going to you. It also gives business owners the right to challenge competitors who infringe on a trade mark.

Quite simply, a trade mark protects all your hard work and investment into building your business. Even if you’ve been in business for some time, haven’t yet registered your trade mark and have a competitor come into the market that mimics your branding, you can still apply to register your trade mark.

ZoneIP can help you to get the legal protection a trade mark provides. ZoneIP can also provide you with advice if you believe that your trade mark has been infringed. If you need some advice or want to register a trade mark, give them a call, email one of their consultants or visit the website

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