Inspiration overload at Semi-Permanent

The JFM team was lucky enough to head to Wellington for a fabulous day of creative inspiration at Semi Permanent on Tuesday 17th November.

It was a full day featuring eight incredibly inspirational and thought provoking creative thought leaders from all over the world. They came from a variety of creative backgrounds including Graphic Design, Creative Direction, Website Development, Photography, Sculpture and Interactive Art Installations.

All of the speakers took different approaches when sharing their story, some shared their portfolio and case studies, the technical process and challenges in crafting their work, another shared the importance of a well balanced life and sometimes the need to take a step back to take many more steps forward again; something many of us can possibly relate to in your own businesses.

Semi-Permanent’s aim is to inspire and enable all creative minds by bringing together internationally renowned creative leaders to share their work and insights at a unique event experience. Throughout the event there’s much conversation, demonstration, networking and inspiration; a sense of shared views and ideas from like-minded souls who have much to learn and new knowledge to impart. It’s a unique atmosphere where new friends are made and new colleagues discovered. This is what sets Semi-Permanent apart from other, more corporate conferences; a shared feeling of community that suggests you’re a creative individual, not a commodity.

We look forward to putting some of our inspirational ideas into our work.

JFM has a new fancy VOIP phone system

We’re still learning how to be fully-fledged pros with our new software; if we do however accidentally end the call, we’ll call you straight back. You might notice we all have direct extension numbers for your convenience; they also feature in our email signatures too for quick reference. Simply call our normal number 03 308 6272 and follow the prompts – we all look forward to chatting with you soon.

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