When you are considering what marketing methods to use for your business you should always consider your audience first. Who are they? What are their habits? What sort of media do they consume? Is your product something they need at the moment or in the near future? Once you have a clear idea of who they are and what their behavior is, you’ll get a picture of what methods might work.
If the majority of your audience own their own property and enjoy traditional methods of media including newspapers, they may spend time going through leaflets that come in the mail. People living in rural communities and small towns often read their local newspaper and sort through their mail too, so direct mail can work well for this audience.
In these situations, if your product is relevant to the audience, a targeted mail drop can be a great option. Digital marketing has taken off at a rapid speed but this has resulted in many competing messages all vying for people’s attention, and sometimes being ignored if the visuals are not relevant and engaging. A mail drop can be eye catching and effective, as it reaches a person when they are open to sorting through information they have received.
As with all marketing materials, the design and messaging need to be thoroughly planned and executed well, to hit the mark. Unaddressed mail can often be regarded as junk and thrown in the bin; so careful planning can prevent this. Take some time to consider what would help make a person stop and read your flyer.
This not only includes well-written, succinct copy and punchy design but the materials used are highly important as well. Thicker paper stock often gives an impression of quality, gloss finishes can also attract the eye; whilst specialty finishes such as plastic wrapping, boutique paper stocks (such as card and recycled paper) and metallic ink can promote exclusivity and readability. Also consider – will your flyer be folded or kept flat and how will this affect how it is presented in the mailbox? Do you have specific delivery areas in mind, such as rural delivery areas throughout New Zealand, farmers, lifestyle boxes or urban homeowners?
The last but most important things to consider are: is it interesting and will it pass a quick eye scan? Someone will review a flyer very quickly with a two second scan to decide whether it is thrown away or whether it is worth reading. Make sure your flyer passes this test before sending out. It is also important to keep in mind that frequency in marketing is the key to success, often a potential customer will need to see your message seven times to take action, so consider including a mail drop in your marketing mix. If you need any help creating a flyer that is eye catching and will pass the two second scan, give us a call at JFM Marketing + Design.